WALKING YOUR SPIRIT'S PATH in the contemporary world

Jeanine Just Visionary Success Strategist

A Values Success Strategy You'll Wish
You Had Discovered Sooner!!!
TO DETERMINE IF IT'S TIME TO CLARIFY YOUR 5-CORE VALUES AND USE THEM TO RECREATE YOUR FUTURE—COMPLETE THIS 12 CLUES AUDIT. Read each CLUE. On a separate piece of paper, write out the clues that SPEAK TO YOU. If you choose 7 or more—immediately enroll in $uccess On My Terms!!!
1. I am trying to make sense out of "stuff" in today's crazy world that makes no sense to me.
2. I am rethinking how I got where I am, what happiness means to me, and where do I go from here.
3. I want to stop postponing my future—stop fantasizing about the life I'd prefer to be living.
4. I am in a material/spiritual values quandary. I'm successful, making plenty of $$$—but not happy.
5. Retirement is not what I expected. I'm ready to envision my heart's desires for ages 60 to 90.
6. I want to consciously know my 5-Core Values. I want to be clear about what's
important to me—what I stand for—and what I need to stand up for.
7. I don't know exactly what I'm looking for, but I'm seeking unconventional success information
for today's changing times. I need a strategy and plan of action that I can use to create what I want for this new chapter of my life. I need to re-evaluate all areas of my life—work, business, finances, a vocation of destiny, a healthy body, rewarding relationships and a healthy lifestyle.
8. I am grateful that I survived a life-threatening health crisis. My old life.
is over and my values priorities changed. Now what?
9. I need courage to release all the BS in my life—and keep only what truly matters to me.
10. I am done with the "should's" and "have-to's"—done living everyone else's version of my life.
11. I've been soul-searching. I want to know who I am, if I have a life's purpose and if so, what is it.
12. I know I'm asking a lot, but all my life I've been on a quest to figure out how I can integrate
my material/spiritual values, life experiences, innate abilities, spiritual resources, destiny and
environmental concerns—and somehow create a profitable soul-infused success operating philosophy that integrates money and meaning.
Saturday, July 20th Time: 9 to 10:30 am
invincible power of values
Need to figure out how to get from where you are ... to where you want to be?
Have things you'd like to change in your life, relationships, work or business?

ASK ABOUT: How to reinvent your future—Integrating spiritual/material values—what to do after retirement, how to create soul-enriching work, a flourishing business, fulfilling relationships, vibrant health, where to live, a vocation of destiny, how to manifest your desired reality—or how to have greater HEALTH, PASSION and/or JOY.

PEOPLE RAVE ABOUT ... $uccess On MY Terms
$UCCESS ON MY TERMS is about being “Authentic”—it’s a real-world
success strategy that cleverly integrates material and spiritual values.
It's practical spirituality at its best....” - Clara H., HRD Manager
“I wish I’d known about the power of values when I was 18 or 25, instead of 65. I feel
validated and grateful for my new clarity, courage and peace ....” John C., Entrepreneur
“After $UCCESS ON MY TERMS I understood why I quit 2 jobs, why I got a
divorce, why people are sick and why I’ve had money issues....” - Jill S., HMO Nurse
“There really is an invincible power of values!!! Who knew? Jeanine tricked
all of us into revealing what we really value and our Intended Destiny. What
a mind-boggling heart-warming experience!!!....” - Steve H. Consultant
“I met someone new today—ME! My self worth soared. My heart thanks you,
my head thanks you and my spirit thanks you....” - Catherine W., Entrepreneur
My most glaring revelation is how (for financial reasons), I'd compromised my
integrity by living outside my personal values. From now on I will honor myself by using my values to make all future decisions and company policies..." ~ Don G., Entrepreneur
“If anyone wants to get a handle on what they REALLY want from life and
consciously know their life’s purpose and destiny, I recommend this course....”
- Julie C., Sales
"I can't thank you enough for your dedication to values and integrity for almost
40 years. After $UCCESS ON MY TERMS, I felt complete and grateful to consciously know my 5-Core Values...." ~Addie L., LA SBA Development Specialist
special message from Jeanine Just ... Why I Created $UCCESS ON MY TERMS

For nearly 40 years, I'v been privileged to guide and support thousands of clients as they courageously exited the Matrix Success Programming and re-invented themselves, their lifestyles, businesses, work and financial future. I’ve been "in trenches" helping “real people find real solutions.” All my clients were in some sort of crisis. Some were at a big-time crossroads and searching for what's next—but most were experiencing business failures, job loss, financial trouble, health crisis, divorces, addictions, depression—and a myriad of other "wake-up calls."
I created $UCCESS ON MY TERMS for people who were, by no fault of their own, living "A LIFE"—but not their destined life. They'd bought into "societal success programming," did all the "right things," and achieved success by outer world criteria. But something was missing. Nowhere in "their programming" did they learn about themselves—their values, intended destiny, life-purpose and what success really meant to them. It was time to "take the inner journey"— time to debunk success myths, bail from life as usual—and find ways to liberate their enterprising spirit.
$UCCESS ON MY TERMS is a unique, practical, step-by-step blueprint for self-evolvement through business, work and life activities—plus common-sense SOULutions for the values crisis forcing the global tranceformation of society, businesses, lifestyles, families and institutions. It's my SOULution to support courageous souls who unconsciously signed up to play the Contribution Game vs the Success Game—the people needing to understand a new earth-school success curriculum, shift gears, navigate uncharted waters and activate their heart’s desires.
Whether you are age 15 or 85, this one-of-a-kind Tranceformation Strategy will help you sort through life’s B.S., give you relevant 'big-picture' awarenesses, unconventional insights, sound advice, and powerful tools for succeeding in today's changing times. When you complete $UCCESS ON MY TERMS, I guarantee you won’t be confused, indecisive, de-pressed or stuck. You’ll stop trying to sustain an outdated success program—and empowered to live a richer, fuller, simpler, more integrous, authentic life—both professionally and personally. Your intentions, motivations and purpose will become crystal clear. Not only will you know your Authentic Self, your life's purpose and your vocation of destiny—you will know your 5-Core Values, your Spirit's Blueprint ... and you will have powerful tools to turn your dreams into reality.
When Your Spirit Comes Knocking ... just open the friggin' door
One thing is for certain, there comes a time when fulfilling your destiny contract is no longer a matter of free will. The choice is no not up to your ego-personality self. It’s your soul’s turn. A Greater Force takes over your life. Whether you want to or not—it’s time to fulfill your mission. Prepare yourself NOW to make your life a series of treasured experiences! Stop wasting your precious limited time on this sacred earth journey supporting a programmed lifestyle. Stop searching, wishing and dreaming about what you really want to BE when you grow up, or when you have the money or time. Stop searching and activate your destiny now! Discover that you, and everyone else, is born with a great vision for their life. This unique “mission” is wired into your DNA and it's longing to be fulfilled.
This Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal.
If you are an Architect of the Matrix of Magic, a Sacred Rebel, Cultural Creative, Conscious Capitalist, Edgewalker, Change Agent, or a flustrated out-of-the-box thinker who sees things differently—I guarantee you will be forever grateful you attracted $UCCESS ON MY TERMS into your life. It’s not “airy-fairy"—and not for the faint-hearted. It’s a fun, results-oriented spirit-infused achievement technology designed to help you quickly create breakthrough results in your business, projects and life. Some participants will use their new insights to tranceform their current work or business—and others will activate their vocation of destiny and create success on their terms.
I envision millions of courageous souls across the planet using my $UCCESS ON MY TERMS unconventional wisdom, to passionately turn their dreams into reality—while having FUN playing the “contribution game.” I see these souls finding ingenious ways to integrate their innate abilities, life experiences, personal values, intended destiny, lifestyle choices, environmental concerns and spiritual resources—and I see them serendipitously connecting with other courageous souls who are making this world a better place for everyone, by contributing their piece of the tranceformation puzzle..
May you live an authentic joy-filled passionate life !!!
JEANINE is a Visionary Success Strategist ... a highly respected Inspirational Speaker, Human Potential Advocate, Mastery Mentor, Awareness Facilitator, Author—and World-Class Teacher. The Los Angeles Times said about Jeanine, “She is a trailblazer… a catalyst for change.” Corporate clients, business owners and individuals all say, “Jeanine is a very valuable resource in today’s changing times. When the going gets rough, you’ll want her in your corner. She’ll make sure you’re headed in the right direction.”
For over 40 years, Jeanine’s unconventional wisdom has empowered thousands of people to produce breakthrough results in their businesses, projects and lives. She speaks extensively on a new era in business, soul-utions for the new success paradigm, values-driven success strategies, activating the entrepreneurial spirit, capitalism with a consciousness, co-creation technologies and bio-energetic wellness. Jeanine is the Guiding Force, Founder and CEO of VISIONARIES UNIVERSITY, headquartered in Crestline,, California. The VU team is reinventing success and creating the world of the future, today.