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Jeanine Just    ... the perfect speaker 

                                                        to inspire Your Audience!

Visionary leader

A practical futurist with common sense approaches to today's complex issues. 


Valuable Resource

Clients benefit from her unique combination of experiences, education and inspiration.



"If there's a will there's a way" can-do attitude and a reputation for getting results. 


a breath of fresh air ... a ray of hope ... a creative spark

Visionary soulutions for anyone who Thinks Different. People "listen" and "hear" what she says. 


Keynote Presentation topics

Jeanine Just shares valuable insights on topics relevant to today's issues. If you need a speaker or seminar presenter for your corporate meeting, convention, sales conference, professional association, school or church, Jeanine's highly acclaimed inspirational and educational presentations are guaranteed to make your event extra special.


Custom-Designed Presentations: Jeanine custom designs all presentations for your specific audience and event. She's constantly developing new material. Each topic is designed as a 60 minute stand alone keynote or can be expanded and combined into a breakout session, one-day seminar, retreat, fund-raiser, or two to five day leadership training.

Speaking Topics:

Is There Life After BS ????

Visionary Solutions For Thriving in the 21st Century


This insightful presentation will debunk 20th century success myths—and show you how to successfully navigate these changing times. Discover why business, institutions, society and individuals are all struggling to transition from 20th century beliefs, values, perceptions and motivations. People who will thrive, instead of survive, will be playing a different game. It's time to rethink success, business, $$$, work, ecology and lifestyles—time for courageous 21st century leaders to gear up for their leadership roles.

Does Your Business Need a Heart Transplant?

How To ACTIVATE SPIRIT .... Entrepreneurial, Individual and the Spirit of an Enterprise


Would you like customers and employees clamoring for your brand of business? Do you and your team wake up in the morning so excited you can't wait to get to work? Do you believe that heart power is "wimpy?" In this mind-blowing, heart-warming presentation, Jeanine's audiences get concrete proof that the biggest competitive advantage in the new business paradigm is not money and profits—but the elusive powerful heart qualities of values, vision, energy, spirit, the arts, purpose, passion, joy and fun.

Heart-power is not wimpy
7 mind-blowing success strategies that honor your heart's intuitive intelligence

Did you ever wonder why heart problems are the #1 health issue globally? Have you ever made a rational decision with all your heart? In this mind-blowing FUN presentation participants will discover the power of their heart's intuitive intelligence—the role of their 5-Core Values in heart health—the connection between $$$ and the sacred heart center—how ego-driven management and work environments destroy profits—the power of joy and passion—the heart importance of music and the arts—and why "heart-power" is vital to flourishing in today's changing times. 

What-Is-Onary or Visionary: Which will you be?  

Adventures of Ingenious Co-creators Masterfully Turning Dreams Into Reality


Are you ready to move into your future? Not if you don't know how to be a competent co-creator. If someone doesn't know how to manifest reality—then how can they expect to create more $$$, success, fulfilling relationships, health or FUN in their life? How silly that co-creation is an assumed skill. Today, learning how to create what you want when you want it, is not a luxury. It’s a skill that has to be learned and mastered ... and it’s the epitome of empowerment.

BusinessVISION 2028 ... 8 Success Predictions for today's changing times 

Invisible Trends, Issues and Forecasts For Succeeding in the 21st Century


Are you prepared to flourish in today's changing times? Do you know the 8 Big Picture Success Predictions and Trends you can expect? Jeanine's a visionary success strategist, and she's been in the trenches tracking changes since 1984. Thousands of people and many businesses have benefited from her seminars, books and consulting. She knows first hand what's invisible to most people and during this presentation she brilliantly "connect the dots." Get ready! Monopoly Capitalism is being re-invented across the planet and today the Grand Quest is for Authentic Success and Authentic Entrepreneurship.

The Energetics of Success

Innovative Ideas for "Mastering the Money Game" in the New Prosperity Paradigm 


With the financial crash of 2008, everything changed. Old success strategies crashed. Today, many people are searching for guidance to navigate through all the B.S. It's true that everybody should get success advice ... but participants will learn that it's not judicious for everyone to receive the same advice. This presentation is not Money Management 101 presented by a so-called financial expert. This is financial straight talk to teach new paradigm wealth creators valuable, innovative strategies to master the money game in the new prosperity paradigm.

Spirit Power: The new Super Power For The 21st Century 

A Life Tranceforming Blueprint For Walking the Spiritual Path With Practical Feet


Society passes through phases in the evolution of consciousness. Currently humanity is experiencing a big-time awakening in this new era of "conscious awareness." Welcome to the new century, the new millennium and the liberating new world of conscious co-creation. Earth School is in session. Unfasten your seat belts. It's time to learn a fascinating comparison between overall global destiny and an individual's personal, sacred, inner journey. This one-of-a-kind presentation proves a Spiritual Renaissance is going mainstream. A New Renaissance is launching unprecedented planetary growth. Humanity is taking the greatest stride in conscious soul growth ever recorded in history. In this life altering mind-expanding presentation, participants will gain great benefit from Kathryn Chardin-Watersun's forty year consciousness research project. Her Gateway To Freedom Whole Systems Actualization Model is an empowering blueprint for conscious evolution and consciously taking control of one's own destiny. It ingeniously synthesizes the diverse disciplines of physics, religion, psychology, economics, sociology and the healing arts, into a practical curriculum for progressing on one's sacred inner journey ... while experiencing a successful life in the external world. 

Got Energy ... Or Are You Running On Empty?

Ingenious Bio-Energetic Wellness Strategies To Become A Masterful Energy Manager

Got Energy is designed for people who are ready to quit worrying about sickness and people who are seeking to take back control of their health destiny. This insightful Bio-Energetic Wellness presentation is jam-packed with 21st century health solutions anyone can easily understand and implement. Many years ago Thomas Edison said, "The doctor of the future will give no medicine—but will  interest their patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." Today's high medical costs are financially strapping billions of people and endangering people and businesses across the planet. Discover unconventional empowering regenerative (vs. degenerative) health strategies.

What Is Your Destiny Number? What Life Were You Born To Live?

What is your destiny path? Are you a 23/5 ... 29/11 ... 3/0/3 ... 26/8 ... or something else? People's lives dramatically change when they know what these numbers mean. In this fun, enlightening presentation participants will find out if they are living the life they were born to live, or find out whose life they are living. Learning about destiny paths, soul-based living and how to use soul-code #'s to make future decisions about work, $$$, relationships, health, where to live and lifestyle choices is empowering. Once this information is known, life will never be the same!

When Your Spirit Comes Knocking ... Just Open The Friggin' Door

Inspiring "I Did It" Stores From People Successfully "Doing Success From The Inside Out"


In today's world of "bad news media" heart-warming, inspiring "I DID IT" stories are a breath of fresh air. These "real people" are pathfinders who dared to risk careers, jobs and financial security so they could live their vocation of destiny. In the process, they became role models who paved the way for others to do success from the inside out ... and success on their own terms. 

SELF WORTH ... Your Ultimate Power 

Valuing Yourself Is The Real Power Behind Personal And Organizational Success


Self worth is self-bestowed and can't be purchased at any price. It's an inside job. Whether or not people own their personal power and personal worth is crucial to both personal and professional success. This presentation will clarify the myths about where self worth comes from—the role of personal values in maintaining it—and practical techniques for understanding, building and maintaining self worth.

Dare To THINK For Yourself 

Unconventional Wisdom For Winning The Battle For Your Mind


Collective humanity has entered the era of conscious awareness. The revelation revolution has begun. From now on, the invisible becomes visible. As consciousness shifts, the dreamworld most people believe to be real is falling apart. This presentation is chock full of fascinating insights about the battle for your mind and specific things you can do to take back control of your destiny.

COURAGE ... Don't Leave Home Without It

We are in the formative years, not only of a new century but also a new millennium. There are no road maps for success. It takes great courage to venture into unchartered waters, be a trailblazer, do things there are no reference points for, or passionately believe in something that does not exist and create it. Writer Ray Bradbury understood how to create the 21st century, he said, "You've got to jump off cliffs all the time, and build your wings on the way down." In this riveting thought-provoking presentation there are many inspiring stories about people who are changing the world.

If It's Not Fun … Forget It!

The Science of FUN And How To Profit From Mixing Business With Pleasure


Play a different game. Make money. Have fun. Mix business with pleasure. The Physics of Fun is real simple: Money, Opportunities and Creativity flow towards Energy, Passion, Fun, Joy, Empowerment, Purpose, Values, Play-Work, Vision and Aliveness .... and Money, Opportunities and Creativity flow away from Boredom, Routine, Seriousness, Perfunctory Tasks, Long Hours, Overworking, Power Games and Control. Adopt If it's not fun—forget it and watch profits soar.

Reaching New Heights Together 

The Magic of Mystical Partners Sharing Destinies and Dreams


If there ever was an important crusade to get involved in, this is it—a new partnership paradigm. There is life beyond single, married and then divorced, only to try it again and again. It’s time for millions of people to experience the most rewarding joy-filled relationships they can imagine—time to awaken hope for lovingly relating together in complementary mystical partnerships—and time to learn totally new ideas for how to do it. There is no relationship information available today, that is more relevant to what many people are searching for. Discover 10 inspiring ways to empower yourself in intimate partnerships. Awaken hope for lovingly relating together in a complimentary mystical partnerships ... and to learn totally new ideas for how to do it.

What people

are Saying



left inspired and 

enriched with lots 

of new ideas, 

insights and




“Relevant to today’s

issues and pertinent

to me. I want more...”



“Defining our 

individual values to define the corporate values has given

us a framework

in which to




“You delivered



information with 

warmth and 




“Your keynote


contributed to the 

conference’s high

quality. We appreciate 

the preparation and

thought you put

into your 





“Did a great job

of slanting your

material to our




“So much of what

you say seems like 




“Your enthusiasm

in your subject (and

in the participants) 

showed in your presentation. We 

appreciate this type

of involvement...”  



"It’s so gratifying

to hear a speaker

talk about values,

in a time when

values are taking

such a beating..."



"Jeanine's personality

is at once pleasant, compelling and captivating..."



“The seminar was

superb. The effect

on our management

and sales executives

was substantial

and the topic of 

conversation for   several weeks...”  


“You shared 

information that

reached beyond 

the intellect and 

inspired our

hearts and




“Our employees

thoroughly enjoyed

your seminar, and

on a personal level

many things you

said have really

stuck with me…”



“We had nothing

but very positive

feedback from

the employees

who attended...”  



"Jeanine's a great

teacher, healer,

humanitarian ... and a 

savvy businesswoman.

She has a kind and

caring way with people.

She's been coaching and guiding entrepreneurs for over 30 years. I respect her and highly

recommend her..."



“Care-frontation is becoming easier.

Your program gave

us a basis for being straightforward in

our communication,

and with less

“hidden agendas”

we have more time

to do important



"Jeannine is a 

powerful force.

She generously

shares her insights 

with everyone. She 

empowers people on

their path with her

joyful guidance and




Thank you for 

sharing your wisdom

on how to Activate Your Entrepreneurial Spirit and the Spirit of Your Business. Your presentation was interesting and informative. We had lots of positive comments...."




Put Jeanine Just To Work For You !!!

Key Notes ~ 1/2 Day ~ Full-Day ~ Retreats
Programs are custom designed for your special event.


To book Jeanine or to receive more information,
Phone 949-486-9240
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