WALKING YOUR SPIRIT'S PATH in the contemporary world

Jeanine Just Visionary Success Strategist
Valuable Links
new paradigm Businesses

www.beingenchanted.com — Laura Walthers is a professional photographer who is privileged to photograph nature beings; real faeries, gnomes and elves, to teach people about their sacred relationship with the elementals and the nature realm. She is an insightful author and teacher who travels extensively giving visual presentations of her incredible multi-dimensional wonders of Mother Earth that most audiences have never seen.
www.integratron.com — The Integratron is a structure designed by George Van Tassel and located in Joshua Tree, California. The structure was designed for rejuvenation, anti-gravity and time travel. It's purpose is to recharge energy into living cell structures, in order to bring about longer life with youthful energy.
www.kclfarm.com — Alicia Wolff's Keys Creek Lavender Farm is hidden in the hills in N. County San Diego. Whether you want to escape to the lavender fields in May and June, get married in this special picturesque setting, experience an English High Tea, walk a labyrinth, participate in a full moon meditation or book your special event ... Keys Lavender Farm has something for everyone.
www.uniquebliss.com — Anupo Joy is an intuitive animal communicator, renowned for her loving heart and clear perception. If you're wondering what your pet is saying, why they behave the way they do, what you are to learn together, why your pet is ill, or to locate a missing furry friend, Anupo's consultation sessions deepen the understanding between animals and their human friends.
innovative game-changers
www.culturalcreatives.org — Cultural Creatives were identified by sociologist Paul H. Ray and psychologist Sherry Ruth Anderson. Currently 100 million adult Americans and an additional 80-90 million Europeans can be identified as belonging to this group. CC's are creating a new culture with an enlightened creativity that's shaping a new culture for the 21st Century.
www.ourjourneyhome.earth George Kavassilas is a no BS mentor, author and passionate speaker. He's had a lifetime of strange and wonderful experiences beyond the ordinary. The knowledge and wisdom he shares from direct experiences, along with his values and philosophy, have helped 1000's of people across the planet to to resurrect the Sovereign and Infinite Being they truly are. His book: OUR UNIVERSAL JOURNEY he answers life's primordial questions: "Who are we? Where do we come from? and What are we doing here?"
www.alanafairchild.com Alan Fairchild is "a voice for the soul." Her "work" isn’t really a job. It's as a passionate obsession. She writes, sings, dances, creates, laughs and is truly dedicated to liberating souls. If you want to "stand up inside yourself" and express your true Soul's Essence, her SACRED REBEK Oracle Cards will be one of the most important tools you can use to BE the REAL YOU. Her EARTH WARRIORS Oracle Cards provide support for the Sacred Guardians of Mother Earth, the Inspired Visionaries and Earth Warriors so they can prosper and thrive in harmony with nature's way and the wisdom of life.
www.edgewalkers.org — Judi Neal provides support and resources for Edgewalkers ... those people and organizations
that take risks, build bridges and break new ground. She says, "I like to be practical, to make a difference, to get in and get real. Experiences with me are not spectator sports where you passively consume."
www.davidicke.com — David Icke is a world renowned writer, speaker and "wake-up call." His empowering perceptions and perspectives are designed to inspire all of us to be who we really are, to fling open the door of the mental prison we build for ourselves and to walk into the light of freedom.
www.gailminogue.com — A brilliant numerology consultant and trends analyst who reveals the symbolic relationship of numbers to life experiences. Gail assists individuals and businesses to navigate the dynamics of change and be masterful builders of their futures, relationships, and successes.
www.heartmath.com — HeartMath provides a unique combination of leading-edge science and practical
information to understand the hidden power of your heart.
www.intenders.com — Tony Burroughs is a visionary leader and creator of conscious intention
technology for Intenders of the Highest Good.
www.wisdomofyourface.com — Jean Haner is an enlightening speaker, teacher and author who uses Ancient Chinese Face Reading to help clients gain new insights about lifelong personal patterns, get help with important decisions, receive guidance on career direction and discover new ways to understand themselves and their relationships.
www.hazel-courteney.com — Hazel Courteney is one of the UK's leading alternative health and spiritual authors. To write her spiritual-science book, Countdown To Coherence, she travelled many miles and met with numerous distinguished controversial thinkers and scientists who shared their verified research on a vast range of subjects validating spiritual ideas.​
www.speakingcirclesinternational.com — Lee Glickstein, is founder of Speaking Circles International, author of Be Heard Now, and an authority on authentic power and presence in public speaking. Since 1989, his innovative Speaking Circles have helped millions of people "find their own natural voice and charisma" in loving supportive environments. He's facilitated thousands of Speaking Circles, workshops, seminars and retreats around the world and trained over 1000 Speaking Circle facilitators.
www.davidkorten.org — David Korten is an American economist, author, political activist and prominent critic of corporate globalization.
www.cowboyethics.org — Jim Owen reinvented himself as an author, film producer and social innovator who was dismayed by the spreading epidemic of corporate scandals and social discord. He created the Center for Cowboy Ethics and Leadership and speaks about returning to basic core values. Jim’s book Cowboy Ethics (2004) sold more than 130,000 copies.
www.heartcom.org — Christopher Rudy is a long time pioneer in the field of personal and planetary transformation. He's a prolific writer, holistic visionary, CEO of Heartcom Services and host of BBS Radio Show, Cosmic Love.
www.seatofthesoul.com — Gary Zukov's gentle presence, humor, and insightful wisdom have inspired millions to realize their soul’s greatest potential. Gary's a master teacher of authentic power and author of the timeless book SEAT OF THE SOUL. After many years of speaking, writing and consciousness shifting, today's extraordinary transformation in consciousness thrills him.
www.science1.nasa.gov/science-news —Get daily updates on space weather. Space weather impacts earth's and people's energy.
www.peerspirit.com — Christina Baldwin and Ann Lennea empower people to resolve conflict and foster communication through using the ancient power of the circle.
www.michaeltellinger.com — Michael Tellinger is an author, scientist and explorer whose become a real-life Indiana Jones, making groundbreaking discoveries about ancient vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa. His continued efforts and analytical scientific approach have produced stunning new evidence that force people to rethink our origins and rewrite our history.
www.wakeuplaughing.com — Steve Bhaerman, aka Swami Beyondananda, is a highly acclaimed keynote speaker, brilliant writer and performer. whose mission at Wake Up Laughing, is to promote awakening through laughter. Steve's special gift is using mind-opening comedy to create heart-opening laughter. His free email newsletter is invaluable.
www.teplitz.com — Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz is an insightful keynote speaker and award-winning author. He shares uplifting, unique learning experiences to help clients understand brain/body performance, and how re-wiring the circuitry of the brain creates new levels of success.
www.workingsolo.com — Terri Lonier, PhD is a business strategist, entrepreneurship scholar, a pioneer in the microbusiness movement and author of five books. Working Solo is an information source for independent entrepreneurs serving the SOHO market (small office/home office, or companies with 20 or fewer employees, free agents, el-lances or tele-commuters).
health & wellness
www.greenmedinfo.com—Founder is Sayer Ji. He is totally dedicated to providing high integrity
health and well-being information. You can subscribe to his informative newsletter and get "nature's evidence-based pharmacy" with essential news, research and healthy tips, daily.
www.christaraepacheco.com — Christa Rae Pacheco's wellness center is in San Luis Obispo, CA., where she uses a life tranceforming Opus Lux DNA Scan to shift clients beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, perspectives, emotions and/or feelings that create imbalances in their health, wealth or relationships.
www.thefourwinds.com — Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., is a psychologist, medical anthropologist and author who has studied the healingpractices of the Amazon Shamans for over 25 years. He teaches energy medicine, shamanic wisdom and ancient traditions.
www.thecrystalgiants.com — Leela Hutchison was the first American woman to enter the giant Selenite crystal caves near Naica, Mexico in 2001. She's a multi-faceted intuitive personal and planetary energy healer—a no-nonsense spiritual teacher and a "spokesperson" for the earth and the mineral kingdom.
www.naturalnews.com/Health_Ranger.html — Mike Adams courageously provides empowering health insights in his daily newsletter. He's dedicated to providing information and products that everyday folks regain control of their health choices and live vibrantly alive.
www.mercola.com — Dr. Joseph Mercola is a very reliable source for health articles, optimal wellness products, medical news and his free daily natural newsletter. This world class natural health expert's motivation is to make you as healthy as you can possibly be ... and, expose corporate, government and mass media hype that diverts you away from what is truly best for your health (and often to a path that leads straight into an early grave).
www.ilovemylaser.com and/or www.mysticsojourn.com — Quantumwave is a global company specializing in a revolutionary new line of cold lasers, also called Sacred Scalar Lasers), the Quantumfield Inducer (QiFi), and a unique line of superfood formulas—all designed to induce greater health expansion of consciousness. All soft laser systems are portable handheld units designed to be used by lay persons or professionals alike. Paul & Lillie Weisbart are the inventors of Sacred Scalar Lasers and the developers of the life-changing Stillpoint Process.

Spiritual Development
www.braco.net — Braco is a Croatian paradigm shifter. He doesn't teach, talk or diagnose, but his silent gaze provides a conduit for transformations. For nearly 20 years, Braco's transformational healing gift has helped millions of people each year with severe illnesses, health problems and personal life issues to find new power, vitality, a zest for life and greater courage to face life's challenges.
www.starchildglobal.com — Celia Fenn is a dedicated writer, energy healer, speaker and transformational teacher living in Cape Town, South Africa. She's Founder of Starchild Global and and travels the world working with leading-edge groups.
www.abraham-hicks.com — Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker and best-selling author. She has co-authored nine books, presented numerous workshops from a multi-dimensional point of view. Through dialogue with a group of spiritually evolved teachers who call themselves Abraham, she teaches about vibrational frequency, law of attraction, joy, freedom and co-creation. Sign up for daily inspirational email quotes.
www.eraofpeace.org — Patricia Cota-Robles is a dedicated, internationally known author and teacher, committed to sustainable world peace and reverence for all life.
www.theologicalsciencesociety.org — Theological Science Society is a fraternal, educational, non-sectarian, and non-religious organization founded by Hugh G. Carruthers to impart ancient wisdom to all seekers of truth.
www.tut.com — Mike Dooley is a renowned author and speaker, He believes that everyone's special and that every life is meaningful. Sign up for his free daily profound inspirational Messages From The Universe. It's a great way to start your day and boost your energy.
newsletters-publications-miscellaneous support
www.solari.com https://shop.solari.com — The Solari Report is weekly briefing with Catherine Austin Fitts and specialized experts, It will help you navigate through the shifting political and financial climates while building your wealth. Catherine's mission is to help you live a free and inspired life. She believes personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of both individual freedom and community health and well being.
www.business-ethics.com — Business Ethics is a bi-monthly magazine with thought provoking insights for businesses and individuals striving to work and invest in socially responsible ways.
www.enlightment.com — enlightening newsletter with valuable alternative information
www.fastcompany.com — Fast Company Magazine is an innovative business magazine for succeeding in today's changing times
www.flowgo.com — Sign up and receive unique, funny and inspirational messages and graphics.
www.yesmagazine.org — YES is an inspiring magazine with powerful supportive ideas for new paradigm builders.

musicians & artists
www.gailchasin.com — Gail Chasin is a singer, songwriter, entertainer and sound healer, extraordinaire. Whatever your event, restaurant, club, church, wedding, life celebration, Gail will make sure it's extra special. Gail's also an amazing sound healer with an approach to sound healing that's masterful and quickly changes lives.
www.jenniferhart.net — Jennifer Hart is a versatile song stylist who can sing anything. Jennifer is "at home" whether playing solo piano and accompanying herself, or on stage with a big band. With her her beautiful voice, subtle improvising and "fun personality," she always puts on a memorable show that's full of honest feelings and thought-provoking interpretations.
www.tomkenyon.com — Tom Kenyon is one of the most respected sound healers in the world today. Tom teaches in Intensive formats throughout the world. Because of his immense field of personal knowledge, from the sciences to spirituality, each Intensive is imbued with knowledge relative to the subject matter and overlaid with the sacred sounds he creates. Sign up for his emails. Periodically (as the energies require) he creates free "sound healings" that will help you navigate the changing times.
www.dantroxell.com — Dan Troxell's passionate, loving, genius energy comes through his piano CD's and performances. Since the mid 80s, I've used his piano music to support me through many life tranceformations. He's been a life-saver. Dan found his passion at age four and no matter what challenges life presented him ... he's been true to his life's purpose. His inspiring piano music is cherished by a world-wide fan club.
www.thepeoplesvoice.tv — David Icke's The People's Voice TV and Radio Station is a London-based TV/radio studio providing uncensored news and insight, independent bands and comedy.
www.newdimensions.org — New Dimensions Broadcasting Network provides great interviews with valuable leading-edge information.