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Visionaries University Is Bridging Old and New Success Paradigms

Visionaries University is a university without walls ... a contemporary wisdom school teaching 21st century practical real world success information for multi-faceted success. VU's innovative tranceformation technologies provide a unique curriculum for self-evolvement through business, work and life activities. For nearly 40 years, our Wholistic Total Success Courses have empowered thousands of people to live rich, full, enjoyable lives, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. 

Our Mission is to Educate, Inspire and Empower the Last,

Most Powerful Natural Resource ... HUMAN POTENTIAL 


Within each person are acres of diamonds—yet most people get programmed to seek outside themselves the riches that lie within. It's believed that Albert Einstein used no more than 10% of his potential, and it's believed that most people are only using 2 to 3% of their potential. Since many people are programmed to live in the outer 3D—5-Sense Matrix material world reality, very few people discover their soul's multi-dimensional powers, spiritual realities, intuitive guidance and heart-power. Visionaries University's integrated "inside out success courses"—teach what they don't teach in contemporary school systems. VU teaches information to "activate the world within," which contains unlimited treasures.  


Most education systems today only provide fragmented impractical knowledge with an outer-directed focus. It's designed to make people into economic cogs in the wheel and excludes "self" study and personal development. Education fails to access innate wisdom, innate abilities and inner genius. Accessing wisdom and common sense is different than book learning. At the heart of VU's self-mastery and self-management curriculum, is a commitment to help people integrate their intellectual mind with their intuitive wisdom and innate abilities. We guide students in the development of their heart-body-mind and spirit ... and teach them how to activate their vast potential.  

message from jeanine just ... founder & ceo of Visionaries U 

Visionaries University is the result of my refusing to live my American Dream Success Programming where I forfeited my integrity for financial and social reasons. My quest to understand why some people fail and others succeed, plus my deep desire to "do success on my  terms" provided the stimulus for me to develop VU's highly acclaimed business and personal tranceformation courses. Like many people, I bought into mainstream contemporary success programming. I made plenty of money and was living the good life, but without any connection to my soul's purpose or doing things aligned to Nature's Way. Even though this was the norm for most people—it wasn't right success path for me.

My wake-up call at age 30 came from a life-threatening illness that, was the result of a material/spiritual values crisis. To save my life, I set out on a mission to prove to myself that I could make money while making a difference and prove I could be successful without selling my soul. I reevaluated my socially engineered success programming, explored a variety of success philosophies, discovered profits and principles were inseparable—and began a new chapter of my life where I progressed on my inner spiritual journey—while experiencing a success life in the external material world.  


I feel privileged to have become a highly respected Visionary Success Strategist, Mastery Mentor and Awareness Facilitator. It's a great joy to share the mountaintop perspectives I've gleaned from nearly 40 years of pioneering success strategies from the inside out. I've worked in the trenches with thousands of "real people' searching for 'real solutions" to their success hurdles. My own and my clients experiences, provided the building blocks for VU's curriculum.


Today, people across the planet (from all walks of life and socio-economic levels) are grateful for my empowering unconventional wisdom and soulutions. It makes my heart jump for joy knowing that VU's insights and thrival strategies make it easier, quicker and less painful for people to tranceform their lives, businesses and future, than it was for me. Now anyone with a little ingenuity and some courage ... can use innovative time-tested information and strategies to activate the visions in their heart, live their intended destiny AND make the world a better place.

If you are trying to figure out how to get from where you are to where you want to be ... don't waste your precious time, energy or $$$ on old old success programming.  Contact Visionaries University today! 



Get new insights, explore your options ... and

make sure you're headed in the right direction. 

"Mediocrity is self-inflicted. 

Genius is self-bestowed."

~Walter Russell

What Can Visionaries University Do For You?

We will help you inventively navigate today's changing times.  


Visionaries University is creating a Renaissance in success education. We bring you the future of learning that combines a passion for knowledge with "real world" applications. Regardless if you are a business, organization, school, church or an individual—you can expect valuable insights and practical strategies that will insure you're headed in the right direction. We will prepare you to succeed in today's changing times ... both personally and professionally. 


Get the whole picture from one source

IF what you've read on this web page resonates with you—THEN you are ready to activate your intended destiny and take your visionary leadership roles. Please don't waste your valuable time, energy, and money on old success programming. We invite you to investigate Visionaries University's innovative 21st century tranceformational success and leadership curriculum. VU is proud of our curriculum and our unique Living Room LearningTM style. Living Rooming LearningTM ingeniously turns living rooms and corporate training rooms into cozy classrooms, instead of techy labs. Our leading-edge human resource development team is enthusiastically waiting to guide you on your quest.  

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You Don't Know What You Don't Know Until You Attend VU's Courses
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Visionaries University



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   Phase One

  • Values Clarification

  • Re-Invent Yourself

   Phase Two

  • Re-Invent Business and WORK





Part One                       

• Introduction to the


   Tranceformation  Curriiculum           

   Part Two

 • Equanomics

   Part Three

• Mysticall Partnerships  


• Living The Life

   You Were Born To Live


• Heart Power Isn't Wimpy


• What Makes People Tick?


• Got Energy


• Create Your Own Stage


• Dare To Think For Yourself


• Psychodynamics Of Success


• Together We're Better


• Vision Quest


• Visual Impact Training






• Life long learning and a commitment to conscious continuous growth are more important than a formal education. We encourage


• We encourage UNLEARNING  and constant LEARNING. 

Much of what people learn is information for succeeding in the 20th century—not the 21st century..  


• We support experiential learning and OJT (on the job training). Society values diplomas, but wisdom is the result of direct experiences.  


• We defy conventional book knowledge learning. Our premise is that everyone has vast innate wisdom, inner resources and innate abilities.


 • We promote, "genius is

self-bestowed and mediocrity is self-inflicted." Our courses are designed to help people

reveal their genius.


•  It's a cosmic joke to have billions of people searching 'out there,' getting the right credentials so they can "be somebody"... when their innate resources were hiding in their DNA blueprint from the day they were born. 


• When enterprising spirits wake-up and discover their unique gifts, purpose and intended destiny—VU has achieved it's mission

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