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EnVISIONEERS are people committed to raising their personal level of consciousness while raising the collective consciousness of humanity. EnVisioneers are "Caretakers of Mother Earth and Humanity." They practice being visionaries, instead of what-is-onaries. They are Architects of the Matrix of Magic, who are on earth for a purpose—with a purpose. They use co-creative genius and soulutions not only to manifest fulfilling work, flourishing businesses, rewarding relationships, vibrant health, sacred lifestyles and greater JOY ... but to create new humans, a new earth and new humanity.

5 Reasons Why I Should Become An EnVisioneer



#1.  I'm haunted by an inner urge to discover and live my intended destiny. 


#2.  I need courage and support to quit wasting my time and JUST DO IT.


#3.  I want to do collaborative dreaming with like-hearted—like-minded                  uplifters, leaders, counselors, guides, mentors, healers and teachers,

       who have answers to someone’s prayers or the prayers of humanity.


#4.  I'm retiring or retired. I want to discover my "vocation of destiny"

       and create a new vision for my "golden years." 


#5.  I have a product, service or insights that would enhance the quality

       of life on planet earth—and I feel it's time to get my spirit infused                    creations into  the marketplace


only $100 per month ... 4 weekly sessions 

IF YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO CREATE REALITY ... THEN HOW DO YOU EXPECT To Create More Success, $$$, Health, Right Relationships or JOY?


If you want to succeed in today’s changing times, learning how to create what you want when you want it ... is not a luxury. It’s a skill you have to learn and master. BUT ... from kindergarten through Ph.D. programs, there are currently no manifesting or co-creators courses taught in school curriculums. The result? Lots of people struggle and create more and more of what they don't want faster and faster.


With a little "help from your friends"

you will create sustainable success.

There is great power when people support each other in

actualizing their potential. In this new era of being interdependently wealthy ... you can't reach your zenith alone. 



Have FUN ... Tranceform ... Make Friends ... and enjoy

sharing their "shift process" with like-hearted people.

• Discuss important issues

• Get validation and support

• Get new tools and insider insights  

• Have a safe place to express themselves

• Clear their body/mind of energetic blocks  

• Resolve "stuff" using a collective "brain trust"

• Break old habits ... let go of old B.S.

• Move forward with clear objectives

• Activate their heart's desires

• Live their intended destiny

• Shift consciousness 

EnVISIONEERS individuate while practicing interdependence, 

co-creation, reality management and energy management. The format

is not a 12-step program, therapy group or church format ... yet embodies aspects of each. 

become an EnVISIONEER Today!


If you have an EnVISIONEER SPIRIT and you know 

you're ready to not only do personal and professional tranceformation, but also to contribute to planetary tranceformation ... then find out today

what is required to become






"Without the new insights and support

it would have taken years instead of months, to achieve what I've achieved. Thanks so much .... "

—Kenneth S.,     Entrepreneur




"I always thought I could succeed being the 'lone ranger' but

in the past year I've realized the value of having others in my corner when I got

into things I had no reference points for was invaluable.

I've learned a very important lesson about inderdependence...." 

—Marc B., Sales




"After attending

VU'S EnVisionQuest,

I discovered who I really am, why I'm on earth and what I'm supposed to be doing. It was scary at 68 years old to launch out and live my destiny, but knowing I had the support of the EnVISIONEERS Team

has made risking easier and even 

more fun...."

— Linda L.,

Business Consultant



"Before joining EnVISIONEERS I was

"wanna be" with dreamitis. I made plenty of money in my day job, but longed to be my own boss and help people with their health and wellness. I'm bridging my day job and building my healing practice part time. Things are going well financially andI expect to be totally on my own in six months ..."

—Dana  T.,  

Massage Therapist




"At first I thought it

was a bit arrogant when I was told my understanding of today's business world was totally

old school. I soon discovered it was true. I was a manager and not a leader. My team was not being 

productive and without learning leadership skills I would have been out of a job. When I found EnVISIONEERS I felt accepted without judgment. I'm so much happier to be learning and growing. So is my team. I especially enjoy my

new like-minded friends...."

—Gerry M.,

Regional Manager 




"I've been really successful the past few years at creating more stuff I don't want faster and faster. I kept wondering what was wrong with me. I now understand I never learned how my thoughts and feelings create my reality. As I learned intention and cocreator skills, my life changed fast. It's fun to feel in charge of my life AND fun to be supported by my EnVISIONEERS team.

I really like the accountability. All is well in my world...."

—Sondra T.,


Incremental Shift .... Creates exponential tranceformation


It's each small shift that ultimately creates major tranceformtion. Accountability is built into  

the EnVISIONEERS program structure to insure results that shift your "lived reality."

You can expect to resolve contemporary conflicts using soul-based solutions

and innovative tranceformational technology.


Great joy awaits those who courageously plunge into their

future trusting their inner resources will serve them well.

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EnVISIONEERS Teams are comprised of like-hearted pro-active earthlings.

They can be private groups ... or groups within a business or organization.

If you are interested  starting an EnVisioneers

Team ... email or phone Visionaries University.  



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