WALKING YOUR SPIRIT'S PATH in the contemporary world
Jeanine Just Visionary Success Strategist
What Is Your Vocation Of Destiny
by Jeanine Just, Visionary Success Strategist, ©2003 ©2013
Are you ready to play the CONTRIBUTION GAME?
Are You Looking For Work In All The "Right" Places?
If you are unfulfilled in your life or work, or are sick and tired of your job, profession or career—please don’t make the mistake of believing that you don’t want to work. You are instinctively motivated from deep within to grow, achieve and be productive, but for your reasons and nobody else’s. The truth is, you want to work in order to fulfill your innate need to feel productive and useful. But making a living, or being used instead of utilized, crushes your spirit. You want to work and be successful—but you want to do success on your own terms. New success paradigm builders are playing the "contribution game" which means they are making money while making a difference. Using a new unique formula for self-evolvement through business, work and life activities, these courageous souls are reinventing their business, work, jobs, lives and future.
The best way for me to help you redefine work and look for work in all the right places is to start by sharing a poem written by my friend Noel Mc Innis. He wrote this nearly 50 years ago, after he realized he and millions of others got led astray. His poem is entitled:
CREATING YOUR OWN SPACE … A New Paradigm For Livelihood
There are two ways these day to find your livelihood.
The conventional way, is to look at all the slots that have been designed by
those who have worked out their life before, and, choosing one of these, to then
endure the maze of preparations designed to shape you into it as well.
This is the way of those who are content to have their livelihood
sustain, what little else of their life remains.
The unconventional way
is to look into yourself—and to nurture what you find most worthy there,
and to grow it into some of the unfilled space that others have not predestined.
Life has always ample room for one more space.
And since all spaces represent the trace of some event, why not
begin to fill a space, evented by no one’s occupation save your own?
This is the way of those who are not content until their livelihood and life are one.
Noel Mc Innis, a futurist and my dear friend, wrote about how making a living has created a cultural trance that enslaves people to jobs. He realized nearly 50 years ago that with the invention of manufacturing, commercialism and menial jobs, people began to adopt the belief that their lives had to be made. Throughout previous history, unless one was overtly enslaved, work-life, whether it was farming, a craft or a trade was a meaningful expression for ones’ living—not a prerequisite to it. Noel says, “The Industrial Revolution gave birth to the insidious idea that our freshest, most alert and energetic hours must be devoted to making a living—while actual living is deferred to the left-over weary hours presumably thereby made livable. Only in modern times have tens of millions of supposedly free people chosen to experience their existence as a daily life sentence with overnight parole, and weekends off for good behavior.”
Most people make career choices from the narrow confines of a few choices such as doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse, engineer, etc. Once a choice is made, an education path is laid out and the person begins their step-by-step process of becoming a career. Today, many people never use their education, end up doing something very different and with a huge debt load. Paying off large school loans for something you’ll never use isn’t the most productive thing you can do with your time or with your innate abilities—nor is preparing for one career, when most of us will have three to five careers (not jobs), in our lifetime.
What's The Difference Between a Job, a Career or Profession ... and a Vocation of Destiny?
Each serves a purpose, and you need to decide which is right for you at this time in your life. A job is something you choose to do to pay your bills. A career or profession is the specialized training you receive which enables you to live a desired lifestyle. Lifework is an extension of who you are and your purpose for BEING—not just something you learn how to do or be.
Sustainable success in the 21st century requires everyone’s contribution, regardless of age, ethnicity or education. If you're like most people, you got programmed to do the old career path model, and now you’ve wasted forty to sixty valuable years of your life trying to wake up to the life you were born to live. If you've gleaned plenty of valuable experiences through your jobs, careers, or businesses and you're ready for your vocation of destiny—then it's time to bail from life as usual and activate your destiny.
There's a great immediate need for many people to wake up to their piece of the tranceformational puzzle and begin making the contributions they intended to make when they incarnated. It’s also critically important to stop the indoctrination process of your children. They don't have to follow some "go to sleep" so they can begin to make their contributions they don't have to take fifty years to overcome their programming.
I believe that all the global problems will be solved when individuals wake up to the fact that the soulutions are within each person on the planet. That means with 7 billion people on the planet we have 7 billion soulutions. Not everyone will make their contribution, so similar gifts are in many people. The "game of life" would have been too easy, so players on the "gameboard of life" are only given small clues bit-by-bit. When you understand this re-membering process you will realize "it's the game that makes life a continuous adventure." Since people are programmed to look "out there" to an education, a financial windfall, their relationships, etc.—imagine what shift will happen when lots of people realize that the last and greatest natural resource in human potential and the potential of the human spirit.
How To Catch Up To Your Vocation Of Destiny ... And Play The Contribution Game
If you have been looking for economic security in all the wrong places, get ready to move outside the box referred to as a "career mindset" and stretch your imagination. A vocation of destiny has to be approached using a very unconventional processes.
Your destiny is not a destination and it's not predestined. You have free will and you co-create your life by the choices you make. None of us knows the end result or exactly where our destiny will take us—but our only job is to unfold the mystery. Catching up with your destiny is like playing the board game called CLUE. The purpose of CLUE is to solve the murder mystery of who did it, in what room, and with whom. Let go of control—and allow yourself to enjoy the adventures as they unfold. Remember, the things you don’t are understand will usually be the most rewarding. When you are mystified—it is a sign that what you are doing is perfect.
When your spirit comes knocking ... just open the friggn’ door! You were born with a great vision for your life ... a unique mission to fulfill, that longs to be fulfilled. It’s wired into your DNA. Your (VOD) vocation of destiny, integrates your destiny, innate abilities, life experiences, personal values, lifestyle choices, environmental concerns and spiritual resources ... into a profitable soul-based success strategy.
If you’re searching for that “elusive something” or your “spirit has come knocking” ... then consider this: There comes a time when fulfilling your destiny contract is no longer a matter of free will. The choice is not up to your ego-personality self. It’s your soul’s turn. The catalyst is usually a major crisis that I call "a Cosmic 10X10." From then on Greater Force takes over your life. Whether you want to or not, it’s time to live your vocation of destiny ... time to fulfill your mission by contributing your piece of the planetary tranceformation puzzle.
Your life-work or vocation of destiny, can’t be defined by an arena such as an industry or by profession or career—and it can not be defined by what you will be doing. It starts with defining your Being—meaning your 5-core values, what you stand for, your heart’s desires, and your purpose—and then making your "doingness" an extension of your "beingness."
For example, most ministers feel they were called to the ministry. I believe everyone has a ministry and that we are all called to our ministry—which is our life-work or vocation of destiny. Put all your doingness together—and create from beingness. Take what you have learned and custom-design your own tranceformational role. My vocation of destiny is to share my gifts of unconventional wisdom, courage, in-sight and inspiration. My tranceformational arena is human resource development.
Stop asking, “What am I going to BE when I grow up?” The appropriate question to ask is; “What institutions, industries or products would I like to see functioning differently?” The truth is, businesses, institutions, society and communities all need to be transformed. Your opportunities will be endless when you discover the ineptness of most current institutions to deliver what they promise.
This is the Age of Consciousness Awareness. Forget about focusing on jobs, careers or paying the bills. Look for alternative forms of work, not the same-old, same-old. Focus on transferring information for profit. Empowering people is a huge growth industry. Consider the following people and businesses who are profiting from providing self-help, do-it-yourself, and self-responsibility—and then ask yourself how you can empower people and get paid to do it?
Regardless of whether you like or agree with the following examples,
these people are empowering others, in their own unique way:
Often it is from painful experiences that your new future emerges. For example, Lee Glickstein is a person who was terrified to speak in public. He transformed himself from what he describes as charisma-impaired to —vibrantly vulnerable. He developed a revolutionary approach to authentic public presence, and today has a very successful business bringing creative expression out of his clients. His primary purpose wasn’t’ to build a business—it was to help people experience their authentic power and revel in the joy of their own natural charisma.
Motley Fools—empower people to be financially savvy investors
Kevin Trudeau—provides information about natural health cures "they" don't want you to know about
Jeanine Just—developed a visionary 21st century success curriculum that empowers people who
THINK DIFFERENT to reinvent themselves, business and their future
Home Depot— provides "do-it-yourself" home, yard and building supplies
Clark Howard—created his "Consumer Empowerment Zone" radio/TV show and newsletter to
empower individuals vs. big no-service businesses
Christiane Northrup, M.D.—empowers superwomen with her integrated Heart-Body-Mind-Spirit health insights
Dr. Mercola—empowers people to make informed health choices
David Icke—writes and speaks internationally about hidden truths that savvy people can use to
"know the truth and set themselves free"
Louise Hay—has inspired millions of people to "heal their life" long before people knew about the power
of thoughts. Her publishing company has launched many authors to international fame while changing lives.
If you are trying to decide what your vocation of destiny is, or what you are going to BE when you grow up, first determine your Being (meaning who you are and what you value)—then get out a piece of paper and use these five unconventional criteria to help you discover your right livelihood or vocation of destiny.
#1: Don’t expect nice or easy tranceformation projects. Successful tranceformational visionaries are motivated by a burning desire to see things different, better or more humanitarian. This creates the passion required for them to do whatever is required, in order to turn their heart’s desires into reality. Ask yourself, what is something in society I passionately want to be different?
#2: Don’t just look for things you like—make a list of things you fear doing the most. You are likely to find your greatest satisfaction hiding in what you resist doing. If you fear public speaking, you probably have much that needs to be said. Your greatest satisfaction is likely to be unleashed when you begin sharing your thoughts and ideas.
#3: Ask yourself, “What is something in society that makes me angry, or what things or experiences do I hate to hear about?” Injustices can arouse "creative anger energy" which stimulates deep passion and is a powerful creative force when used positively. Consider how M. L. King used his life to transform racial inequality.
#4: Even if you don’t want anything to do with your current industry or expertise, return to it—but return to it in your new role as tranceformation agent and tranceform it, instead of getting lost in it. You will be compensated immeasurably.
#5: Consider a difficult experience you learned from, or a new idea you had for how to do something different or better—then find a way to share your insights and experiences—and get paid well to do it.
Examples Of People Who Can Trigger Some Bright Ideas For Your Future
Often it is from painful experiences that your new future emerges. For example, Lee Glickstein is a person who was terrified to speak in public. He transformed himself from what he describes as charisma-impaired to —vibrantly vulnerable. He developed a revolutionary approach to authentic public presence, and today has a very successful business bringing creative expression out of his clients. His primary purpose wasn’t’ to build a business—it was to help people experience their authentic power and revel in the joy of their own natural charisma.
It infuriated entrepreneur Anita Roddick of The Body Shops International, that ludicrous amounts of marketing was spent to sell women on the idea that something in a bottle was going to make them youthful and beautiful forever. She built a very successful international body care business by speaking out and educating her customers.
Della Reese will be quick to tell you that a limo didn’t drive into the Detroit ghetto and take her to Hollywood. In the mid-80’s I heard this great entertainer tell her story about hurriedly going out to the swimming pool in response to her grandchild's cry for help. In her haste she did not realize the sliding glass door was closed, walked right into it, and the glass severely cut her in the abdomen. She was rushed to the hospital. While in the emergency room she experienced an NDE (near death experience) where she received help from beyond this earth. She created her inspiring TV program "Touched By An Angel" as a result of her experience.
Sometimes your love for something or some industry are clues to your vocation. For example, one of my clients loved golf. He could have become a professional golfer—but instead he realized golf is a metaphor. Today he teaches golfers breakthrough technology for mastering their inner game of golf. He provides information that golfers can directly apply in every area of their lives.
Ron Rodecker is a former teacher and artist who lives in Laguna Beach, California. He always loved dragons. For years he’s brought great joy to people of all ages with his delightful dragon art. Children’s Television Workshop, which produces “Sesame Street,” used Ron’s dragons in “Dragon Tales,” a public broadcasting animated series for pre-schools. The purpose of the show is to help kids discover fun and imaginative ways to approach life and its surprises. Doing what he loved has brought him international notoriety.
Following your intuition can reveal your next step. In 1990 I was contracted to write an article on visionary management and leadership. My inner guidance sent me to the library with instructions to study the Renaissance era. I had never even thought about the Renaissance before, but I listened. Well, I not only wrote the article, "Capitalizing On The Spirit Of The Renaissance," I reconnected with my life's purpose and launched myself as "The Renaissance Woman waking up 21st century leaders." Prior to this I did not know I was a trailblazer or a Renaissance Woman. Shortly thereafter the Los Angeles Times wrote an article about my values-driven success strategies and in it they stated, "Jeanine is a trailblazer ... a catalyst for change." Following my inner guidance gave me clarity about my role and continues to pay off to this day.
How about the Horse Whisperer? The horse whisperer is a person whose gift (from a very young age) was an ability to know what horses were thinking and feeling. Who would have ever guessed that today he not only works with horses—he is a management consulting who teaches his common sense ideas gained from horses, to help people be effective managers and leaders. Read his book, watch the movie that was made about his life, or listen to his CD. Your life will never be the same, especially if you love animals.
Self-employment and a Home-based Businesses Are A Vehicle To Express Your Vocation Of Destiny
Being self-employed and/or having a home-based business provides a way for you to get control of your individual destiny. A home office or home-based business enables you to activate your entrepreneurial spirit (even if you have limited financial resources)—helps you get control of your time and your destiny—it’s cost-effective—stimulates your creativity—allows you to take your heart, body, mind and soul to work with you—lets you create a sacred work environment that nurtures you—allows you to raise your own children—lets you work when your energy is highest so that you can get a lot done very quickly—allows you to dress more comfortably—you can have more fun doing what you want when and how you want—and you can consolidate your energy from one primary location rather than dissipate your energy by spreading yourself in too many locations. You can fulfill your vocation of destiny within an enterprise or through your own business. A word to the wise though, be sure to choose a business that reflects your values and has a mission which includes tranceforming something in society.
Create Valued Experiences!
Whatever you decide to do—create valued experiences! People don’t buy products and services. They buy experiences. Oftentimes businesses create just another business, product or service, but not something distinctly unique. Just buying "stuff or things" does not make hearts jump for joy. Granted, it is just fine to purchase some necessities in a routine, timely manner—but as more people simplify their lives they are not just going to buy "stuff for stuffs sake." They will demand a valued experience. Put your heart and soul into designing products or services that meet people’s real needs. You will discover that businesses have destinies, just as people have destinies.
Living Your Destiny
It takes great courage to live your destiny—and great courage to trust your path and trust Divine timing. The trick is to listen to your heart. As a child your heart’s desires are easier to access. As you get older, fear stops you from communicating with your heart. Your intellect ego-personality self fears suffering, but the fear of suffering is always far worse than the suffering itself. It’s important to remember too that heart’s don’t have fear. Only your ego-personality self has fear.
Your heart will show you where the treasures are—but you must immerse yourself into your process and let your process teach you. Very few people follow their heart’s path—the path to their destiny and real happiness. They fear they might lose everything they have acquired, or they just don’t want to suffer or struggle. Your destiny is your total life’s blueprint of experiences. Don't seek the treasure of your destiny as if it were a prize or the goal. You'll end up looking in all the wrong places, or not understanding that the unfoldment process ... IS your destiny.
An important reminder: When you come from your heart, people are very forgiving. When you sing you don’t have to be note perfect, you don’t have to say all the right things when you speak—you only need to show up, and be your authentic self. This bonds people to you heart to heart—it connects people at a very deep level. From now on forget about networking and passing out your cards. Practice connecting. The next time you're at a networking group, be your authentic self, "wear your heart on your sleeve," and radiate joy. You're likely to be amazed at who is magnetized to you and the fabulous opportunities you are offered.
Heart’s help those who are living their destiny. When you are living your destiny you will know and have everything you need when you need it—but maybe not all you want. As you connect to your destiny you will experience great joy. You won’t care how many hours you work, or be motivated by grand schemes of zillions of dollars. Don’t expect your destiny to be easy. When you're being your unconventional self you can expect some resistance—but struggling is not necessary. You will be required to put forth dedicated effort and clear intention. You will also have to prepare yourself to experience your true greatness—because with time, as your vocation of destiny unfolds, you will be amazed at your innate abilities and the grand things you're doing.
Religion doesn’t generally teach about reincarnation or how each of us can tap into universal wisdom, even thought they teach that we are a soul and there is a hereafter. But "tapping in" is a critical factor in living your destiny. I really believe that when we function with greater connection to our Spirit, we connect into and are tapped into infinite information. This is where you get everything you need to know when you need to know it.
You can evade and avoid your destiny, but ultimately you can’t escape from your heart’s desires and living the life you were born to live. Did you know that heart problems are the #1 medical issue, not only in our American society, but globally. Could there be a connection between heart health and vocations of destiny? What if heart-power is not wimpy, but instead your GPS system for heart health? I recommend you listen to your intuitive voice and follow your heart's promptings. If you don't, your heart will shut down and your dreams will die inside of you like a still-born baby. I guarantee that failing to live your destiny, indecision and too much pain will crush your spirit. Your dreams and purpose for incarnating in this lifetime will go to the grave with you.
So, forget about trying to build a BIG BUSINESS. Instead, find a creative way to use what you know from your life experiences to replace your income. Let this be your motivation to start—and see where it takes you. Do something you love, pour your heart and soul into it—and let your "unique calling" take you to your greatness. Don't try to make sense of every moment. Your life can only be understood backwards—but it must be lived forwards.
Your real quest is to live the guidelines set forth in your soul’s blueprint. Start today. Your journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Just put one foot in front of the other and get started. BEGIN—your hardest decision is to start. Once you are committed, your path begins to naturally unfold. But a word of caution, if you wait too long you risk your spirit becoming too weary. The result will be that you settle for a purely material lifestyle. You’ll be real sad when you discover too late, all the wonderful adventures and experiences you could have had. I suggest that you, "Live each moment as if it were your last ... because you never know when it will be."
This article is written by and the property of, Jeanine Just, founder and Director of Visionaries University. You have permission to share it through any medium as long as proper credit lines are included. Jeanine Just empowers people to courageously reinvent their businesses, lives, and future. Jeanine is a visionary success strategist, new paradigm builder, author, inspirational speaker, seminar facilitator —and highly acclaimed tranceformation agent For interviews, radio/TV guest, seminars, consulting, or more information for getting control of your destiny, please contact Jeanine Just at
949-4486-9240 or www.visionariesuniversity.org
Only a few people know about this growing movement to re-conceptualize work, careers, and jobs ... as well as how to choose them. The new focus is on a "vocation of destiny"—your calling, life-work, right livelihood, or area of tranceformational service. "Work" for many will be based on their mission, life purpose and soul's intention—"Work" that brings JOY and money. Instead of work being something to do to make money or pay the bills, lifework is a labor of love—something meaningful to be cherished. Regardless of your chronological age .... you have a special contribution to make, a special reason for being on the planet that only you can fulfill. When you are sharing your gifts you will feel more vibrantly alive in heart-body-mind-and spirit. This is why you experience greater joy. When you don't
share your gifts you will feel unfulfilled or de-pressed because you are de-pressing your spirit and blocking your creative energy flow.