WALKING YOUR SPIRIT'S PATH in the contemporary world

Jeanine Just Visionary Success Strategist
are you living the life you were born to live? Are you ready to stop living a PROGRAMMED LIFE—and find out if you are a 23/5, 29/11, 3/0/3, 26/8, or 31/4 etc., so you can consciously begin to live the life you were born to live?
Understand your Past ... Clarify your Present ... Empower your Future
Each of us has a unique "intended destiny path" and soul's purpose. An Intended Destiny-Life Purpose Consultation provides a blueprint to consciously understand your unique soul's path, how to live a soul-based life—and how to use your soul-code numbers to make all future decisions.
Regardless if you're 2 years old or 102, the science of vibrational frequency guarantees you will take back control of your destiny. You will stop judging yourself by 3D—5-Sense reality perceptions, "see" circumstances and people in your life from a soul-based perspective and understand the cast of characters in the theatre of your life are there by design.
Intended Destiny Path Consultations use a modern spiritual technology based on ancient wisdom and universal principles. You will discover your innate gifts, abilities, positive and negative aspects and the unique mission or calling that only you can fulfill, You'll get clarity about how to integrate your soul into your business, work, body, home, relationships and lifestyle—and how to integrate your spiritual-material worlds.
are you ???
Going through major life changes ... and nothing that's worked is working.
Had a life trance-forming traumatic experience ... and surprisingly survived.
Trying to figure out what you should BE when you grow up.
Asking soul-stirring questions—"Who am I, why am I on earth, what's my purpose?"
Feeling stuck or frustrated from experiencing repeated patterns of the same issues.
Tired of relationship conflicts—ready to create mutually supportive harmonious partnerships.
Searching for more passion and meaning in your professional or personal life.
7 reasons for you to get your intended destiny consult
1 • Ready to activate your intended destiny & create the life you were born to live
2 • Curious about your soul's purpose and what you're on earth to do
3 • Want to understand soul-based living and create a spirit-infused life
4 • Would like to find out who you are beyond your roles and persona
5 • Want to know your gifts, inborn talents and innate abilities
6 • Tired of contemporary intellectual, psychological or religious solutions
and seeking soul-based solutions to your challenges
7 • Believe when you align your day-to-day life choices with your soul's
purpose you will create a naturally abundant life that includes, fulfilling
work, flourishing businesses, rewarding relationships and vibrant health
call Jeanine at 949-486-9240
and order today.
Only $349

Jeanine looks forward to helping you make sense out of your life
experiences ... and to making your sacred earth journey more fun.

"I am just amazed.
I now know I have a lot more going for me than I ever imagined..."
—Carolyn W
"I am eternally grateful for the quantum leap in Self knowledge I got from my Destiny Consult. It has changed the course of my life forever..."
—John C
"Now that I know
my Intended Destiny information, I will stop trying so hard
to make things happen and just
let my Real Self out..."
— LLoyd S
Thank you for making sense out of my life experiences that made no sense. You said that's what I could expect and you delivered. Now that I know my soul-code and destiny path I have greater peace. courage, purpose, and joy.
—Elizabeth E
"The two most important days in
your life are the day you are born
AND the day you find out why."
—Mark Twain
what you need to do
An Intended Destiny Consultation is a taped 2-hour session. After you make your payment you will be contacted to make your appointment, which can be in person or a web ZOOM consult. You will receive a Destiny Consult Data Form which you will need to complete and email back to Jeanine. If it's a Zoom consult you will receive a pdf Living The Life You Were Born To Live manual manual.
Prior to your consultation, you need to purchase the book, The Life You Were Born To Live by Dan Millman. During your consultation (not only will you get personal information)— Jeanine will teach you how to use The Life You Were Born To Live book so you can use it as a reference guide for the rest of your life. She will teach you how to use the book to understand the Soul-Codes and Intended Destiny Paths of people in your life ... and also how to resolve relationship conflicts, whether they are with your parents, children, family, friends, spouses, lovers, coworkers or managers.

intended destiny consultation .... message from jeanine
In the late 70s, I began studying numerology. I found the Science of Numbers fascinating. The new insights empowered me to make important decisions. In 1986 I attended an evening seminar presented by Dan Millman. It was not about numerology, but he mentioned he offered a Spiritual Law Alignment Life Purpose Consultation. I ordered my 60 minute cassette tape, listened to it—and I've never been the same. I "understood" my life experiences from an expanded perspective ... the perspective of my soul and it's Divine Destiny. I took back my power and have had greater conscious control of my destiny ever since.
In August of 1991 I was certified by Dan Millman, author of The Life You Were Born To Live and The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior, to facilitate Intended Destiny Consultations using his information. At that time there was no book. Today we are so blessed to be able to purchase and use the valuable insights in The Life You Were Born To Live. However, even if you have an owners manual for your car, you probably won't be able to fix your car yourself. I feel the same is true with the information in The Life You Were Born To Live.
There is value in figuring out your soul-code and reading the information in the book, but I've found that most people won't confidently make serious life choices from that information alone. I've worked with this info for nearly 30 years and trust it impeccably. Soul-code numbers make the life patterns beneath the surface of our lives—visible. It's a joy for me to be able to identify vital information that helps my clients trust their intuitive hunches, align with their intended destiny, and confidently use spiritual soul-utions to resolve conflicts. Since 1986, I've been sharing this ancient science of vibrational frequency with clients. They find it’s predictive value amazing! Armed with new insights, my clients courageously sort out professional and personal challenges, consciously activate their intended destiny and heart’s desires.... and get greater control of their destiny.